Bad Grass will return in 2025, but first a little Good Seed!

Good seeds are right in our backyards and you can do something to increase critical habitat! Join us at The Fen, a native seed production farm in Sharon, on October 18th to demystify native seed collection/harvesting, seed cleaning and ways to produce more native plants. This hands-on experience will jumpstart your intimate relationship with our native flora. Let's deepen our connections and become better land stewards together!

Program Details:

October 18th from 5pm to 8pm

The Fen, 50 Knibloe Hill Road, Sharon, CT.

$25 including drinks and lite fare

Seed Collection: Two plots of plants should be ready for harvest- Asclepias incarnata, Swamp milkweed and Verbena hastata, Blue vervain. We will first go to the field and set the scene about this EcoType project and why these seed production fields exist. Then we will talk about tracking phenology and signs of seed maturity. Participants will help harvest/collect mature seed from these two plots. Each participant can choose a seed pod or seed head that they want to take home for their own use. 

Seed Cleaning: Seed that has already been collected or harvested will be set up in the barn to be cleaned. Different stations will demonstrate the process of seed cleaning. Microscopes will also be set up to look at seed and further understand seed maturity. 

Seed Saving, Stratification/Prep for production: We will discuss ways that seed can be stored and treated to break dormancy and how participants can disperse seed in the landscape or use it for seedling production.